Thursday, April 3, 2014

Day 93 | Pets

Prompt: Tell me about a pet you had growing up or a friend's pet. What were they? What was their name? What were they like? Energetic, lazy, loving, scary? Stick in a photo if you have one.

Stephanie | My cat Hannah was the best cat. I was hers and she was mine. We had her for many years and during that time she had a liter of 4 kittens, we watched them be born in a box in our spare room. Two of the kittens survived and we kept them. Hannah's nick name was "nurse kitty" because she was always with me when I was sick. I was sick often as a kid and she would always snuggle up next to me and protect me in a way until I was well. She was right there with me as I recovered from surgery. In 2003 she became ill and we had to put her down, it was one of the hardest things, saying goodbye to her.

Annetta | I'm not a pet person, I never was one to love a dog or cat. My husband is the same way. We did own chickens, but I had to sell them. That is a pet friendly as I want to get. I guess those aren't pets, but they stay outside and super cute.

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