Monday, September 1, 2014

Day 244 | Fortunate

Prompt: I am fortunate because...

Annetta | I am fortunate because I have a relationship with my God, which keeps me in love, joy, peace and helps me SO much in my life. Because I have the love of an amazing husband who knows how to lead my family, who works hard and gives his all because of his love for us we have no lack. Because I have a son who lights up not only my world, but those around him. Because I have a beautiful home, get to do what I love just because I love it and see the world with my husband. I am fortunate in SO many ways that I can write a book about it.

Stephanie | I am fortunate because I have everything I need to survive. Food clothing, water, shelter. I am fortunate because I have more than what I need to survive. I have a great family and amazing friends. I am able to own our home and vehicles. I am fortunate that I can follow my dreams and be a stay at home mom to my girls. I am fortunate that I can home-school my children and care for them the way I want to. I am fortunate to be able to pay our bills each month, even if some months are tighter than others. Sometimes its hard to see all that we are fortunate for because we keep seeing all the things we want or don't have, we get caught up in comparing ourselves to others. If we take the time, we are very fortunate and have lots to be thankful for.

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