A Year To Inspire

Stephanie | Wow! What a year it has been. We made it all the way through 365 journal posts. There have been times along this journey I never thought this day would come. What a huge project we took on. What an accomplishment we made sticking through our goal. It has been amazing watching us evolve throughout the year in our art and writing. I am so thankful to Annetta for sticking through this with me, it was not easy at times and trying to juggle it all seemed impossible. I am so beyond excited and proud to say our blog was featured in Artful Blogging and heART Journal Magazine plus countless fan blogs from all over the world. Our followers have been so incredible and we value you all greatly. Thank you all for sticking with us and sharing you love, all of your wonderful comments mean so much to us. I am glad we inspired so many people. I am thankful to have done this project and now to be able to close this chapter. Looking forward to starting 2015 fresh and creating a new Year To Inspire.
Annetta | Our LAST post!! This is something to celebrate because we've done so much this year and pushed boundaries we never knew we had. I love looking back on my journal pages and seeing all that we have made and said this past year. When dong a 365 the thought always comes of giving up and I am proud of us for not and reaching out goal of posting 365 days. It was so fun to see our styles develop as we took this one day at a time. I've learned that when I journal I love using magazine images as a base. I've learned that Stephanie is quite the writer and makes some gores journal pages. I'm thankful for a friend who not only excepted this crazy challenge, but was dedicated throughout the whole year. Her encouragement and participation really made this project what it is as on my own, I wouldn't have come this far. Thank you for everyone who has read our posts and enjoyed our journal pages. We are thankful for every comment and every post read and shared. It's amazing to see that our posts have actually inspired people. I'm glad its over because my journal is busting at the seams and I can't believe I went through 2 whole journals, front and back! Let's getting 2015 started!!
Annetta | Our LAST post!! This is something to celebrate because we've done so much this year and pushed boundaries we never knew we had. I love looking back on my journal pages and seeing all that we have made and said this past year. When dong a 365 the thought always comes of giving up and I am proud of us for not and reaching out goal of posting 365 days. It was so fun to see our styles develop as we took this one day at a time. I've learned that when I journal I love using magazine images as a base. I've learned that Stephanie is quite the writer and makes some gores journal pages. I'm thankful for a friend who not only excepted this crazy challenge, but was dedicated throughout the whole year. Her encouragement and participation really made this project what it is as on my own, I wouldn't have come this far. Thank you for everyone who has read our posts and enjoyed our journal pages. We are thankful for every comment and every post read and shared. It's amazing to see that our posts have actually inspired people. I'm glad its over because my journal is busting at the seams and I can't believe I went through 2 whole journals, front and back! Let's getting 2015 started!!