Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Day 351 | Leave A Letter

Prompt: Write an anonymous letter of encouragement and leave it in an unexpected location for a stranger to find. Take a picture of where you left it.

Stephanie | I loved the idea of this post, but was struggling with what to write. I wanted to say something that would actually make a difference to the reader, so I searched online for some inspiration. I found that there is this whole movement of leaving a love note for a stranger, how amazing.  I couldn't find anything just right to say, so I gathered pieces and wrote my own message. If you want to leave a letter, but are struggling with what to write, please copy mine. :) Now to find a place to leave it, I just might drop it in someones shopping cart....we shall see.

Hello Beautiful, 

"Don't give up. Normally it is the last key on the ring which opens the door." -Paulo Coelho

We have never met, but I wanted to remind you that...

You are ENOUGH
You are LOVED

with love, 
your new friend

Annetta | I wrote my note while at a hockey game with my family. I left the note in a bathroom stall and prayed that the right person would come to read the note left just for them. I've never done this before. I noticed that I felt vulnerable even though it had nothing to do with me or how I felt. It made me question whether or not I wrote the right things on the note. Walking away was kinda scary as I wanted to run back and retrieve the note. I had to have faith at that moment that it was for a specific person and that person would need those words I wrote just for them.  

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