Sunday, February 2, 2014

Day 33 | Sense Of Touch

Prompt: I am grateful for my sense of touch because....

Stephanie | I don't think I really have thought about my sense of touch, its not the sense I most favor unlike my sense of sight. I am grateful for my sense of touch because I love the soft feel of newborn skin, gently stroking their foreheads and soothing them into a deep sleep. How a pat on the back can calm my crying or hurt child. Feeling my husband love as he grabs my hand. A strong embrace with a close friends. I am most grateful for my sense of touch because of the love that is shared that way. 

Annetta | I am grateful for my sense of touch because I get to experience the world through my finger tips. It's with touch that I can take a picture on my camera or cross stitch my latest design & hold my husbands hand. It's with touch that I get to enjoy my sons hugs and kisses. I am thankful for the ability to touch soft flower petals & watercolor with my brushes. Touch isn't like sight, but to those who do not have sight, touch is how they see the world.


  1. Stephanie and Annetta, thanks for your inspiring blog.
    Have a great day.

    1. Thank you Rasabears for taking the time to visit our blog and for your beautiful comment!


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