Saturday, May 3, 2014

Day 123 | Inspire Me

Prompt: What inspires me?

Stephanie | I get inspired by studying other peoples work, seeing how they make things and different products used. I browse online, Pinterest, instagram, magazines, etc. There are so many talented people who come up with some amazing ideas. I find different elements in their work that I like and come up with my own ideas or interpretation of them and branch of with my own creations. Inspiration really is everywhere, whether it's a fabric, color, a font, a word, flowers, whatever. Sometimes it's overwhelming, all the ideas I want to do, and not being able to do, so for now I pin them on Pinterest and save them for when I can create them.  

Annetta | My home is what inspires me the most. I didn't realize it until I started taking my son to preschool and some of those days at home were spent that a cafe waiting for my son to get out of preschool. I started to miss those days at home so much and when I did get a chance to be at home I would spend my mornings and afternoons shooting for hours. You see my home reflects me and I am all about beauty, so I surround myself with it. To me, my home is beautiful, comfortable and light. All I need to get inspired is flowers on my coffee table, tea in my cup and a camera in my hand.


  1. Wow is this really your living room? I really, really LOVE IT! I wish I had such a beautiful place to spend my free time there. I am really jealous hah! :)

    1. Yes Gabriela, it's my living room. Took a few years for it to looks like that because I didn't have a style when I moved in. To me, it is a beautiful place and actually rather easy and inexpensive to put together. -Annetta


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